Conference Poster

김동윤: Multifacated Features


경규승 : NeceCity

Poster 경규승.pdf

이정민: Costal Weaving

Jeongmin Lee.pdf

김다현: ALIFE

Kim Dahyun.pdf

이경민: Space of Subjectivity

Kyungmin Lee.pdf

김호경: Transformative Cohension

Poster_Hokyeong Kim.pdf

강재현&유정민: Agriphilia

JungminYoo JaehyunKang.pdf

김태용: RDD


박재현(Zaixian Piao): VR Wind Farm

Poster_Zaixian Piao.pdf

서상현: Machine Contextualism

Sanghyun Suh.pdf

김대웅: Steam Odyssey

Daewoong Kim.pdf

이주연: Mangwon Grid

Juyeon Lee.pdf

이정환: Presenting Uniformity Ratio of Illuminance standards of night urban parts using VR simulations

Poster_Jeonghwan Lee.pdf